Sunday, June 24, 2007

Through the eyes of the beholder

Have you ever thought what would happen if you had no eyes? Even the little thought about such a thing sends shivers down my spine. Eyes (vision) are among the most neglected parts of our body. (Well, atleast i don't take great care of them). We take them for granted. Do you ever wonder - what if you were blind? What if you had lost your vision? What if you could not see the beautiful colours of the world, all the breathtaking sceneries, the spectacular forests, the colour of the setting sun, the subtle differences between the colours of your clothes, the visual treat which you would be deprived of?

Since watching the video, these questions have continuously haunted me. The innocence with which the children revel in the festival of colors, holi, shows how inspite of being handicapped, we can still enjoy life to the fullest. And, here we are perfectly normal human beings cribbing about our looks, wealth, et al. Instead, we should be extremely thankful to god for bestowing upon us a perfect body with all the organs intact. We need to efficiently and effectively use them to give back something to the society.

In essence, the video has persuaded me to pledge my eyes to an organization so that they can possibly be used to provide vision to someone else. (Wasn't this the objective of the video?) It has also given me the determination to pursue my dreams and work hark to achieve them.

Lastly, the innocence with which the child asks for the colors brought tears to my eyes. (Which doesn't happen very often) Thumbs up to the makers for making a very sensitive and thought provoking film.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Some Pearls of my wisdom

First a little background:

Being a S/w engineer, there are times when i am relatively free from all work and then there are times when i don't even have a minute to speak to friends(I sure must be rude to people who dare to disturb me at such a time). Such is the oscillation between boredom and "I cannot handle the work" scenarios that it tends to leave the cerebral part of my body in a hazy state. The following statements are the result of such a condition:

"Solving a mistake may create another even bigger mistake"

"There are more people trying to pull you down than wanting you to go up. So, Effort >= force of gravity!"

"The universe is only as big as your imagination; a problem is only as big as your thinking"

"Wine, women and wealth - the three vices of (un)successful men"

Disclaimer: This are only my weird quotes; which may of may not apply to all. Please don't sue me if they don't. :D

Friday, June 1, 2007


Just happened to visit this link...

Made me really nostalgic; especially the jungle book song. (Which was the sole source of cartoon entertainment during the good old DD times).
