First a little background:
Being a S/w engineer, there are times when i am relatively free from all work and then there are times when i don't even have a minute to speak to friends(I sure must be rude to people who dare to disturb me at such a time). Such is the oscillation between boredom and "I cannot handle the work" scenarios that it tends to leave the cerebral part of my body in a hazy state. The following statements are the result of such a condition:
"Solving a mistake may create another even bigger mistake"
"There are more people trying to pull you down than wanting you to go up. So, Effort >= force of gravity!"
"The universe is only as big as your imagination; a problem is only as big as your thinking"
"Wine, women and wealth - the three vices of (un)successful men"
Disclaimer: This are only my weird quotes; which may of may not apply to all. Please don't sue me if they don't. :D
Actually don't you think
Effort>=(gravity + force of people pulling you down)
Great post...great quotes!! :)
Been there, totally - oscillation between boredom and "I cannot handle the work"
"Solving a mistake may create another even bigger mistake"
The problem is entirely eliminated if u never make an attempt to look for mistakes..!!! :D
@Subhankar: The problem is that mistakes are not attempted to be looked at. But they look at you :P
@enigmatic illusion:
Then i guess it should be:
(Effort + people who want you to go up) >= (gravity + force of people pulling you down).
Altough, the "people who want you to go up" part is almost negligible. So it can be eliminated.
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