Monday, July 2, 2007

Randomness in life.

Just the other day while i was waiting for a signal to turn green, observing many people going about their business, a weird thought hit me:

We are all birth relatives by some way or the other. Coz the ancestors to all the human race are the same. We are all siblings as we have common root nodes to our family tree. And now we don't even care about anyone except for our nearest family.

- Weird...


Shruti said...

Its freaky..isn't it? And some decades back people had wars cos they thought they were the best race??!!


I wonder how come I hadn't thought of this before :)

Dude you never fail to surprise me with the topic of your post!! :D

Velerito said...

Yup such thoughts always find a way into my head every now and then :)